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Personal Wealth Services

When it comes to thinking about retirement, we all want to imagine ourselves enjoying a comfortable lifestyle. However, financial resiliency requires taking action, thinking about tomorrow, and legacy planning.

Actions For Today

What's your definition of wealth? Let's find it together and create the plan! 

Complete a Risk Assessment
We will complete an extensive financial analysis to understand the assets you have (annuities, insurance policies, investments, etc.) and compare that with your financial goals for the future. 

Create a Financial Map
After careful consideration of the financial and personal goals outlined in the Financial Planning Questionnaire and initial meeting, we will present a detailed financial map that will cover a wide variety of topics such as investment plans, education funding, retirement, and more. 

Assess Investment Opportunities
By objectively evaluating all types of investment opportunities, we can determine what the optimal asset mix is for you and your family. After the evaluation, we will recommend how to create the most suitable financial plan available for your stage of life. 

Manage and Balance Risk
Properly mitigating your personal risk involves a variety of tools including; portfolio balance, life insurance, long-term care insurance and succession planning. All of these elements are part of the risk management services provided by Progressive Strategies Financial Group.

Thinking About Tomorrow

Let's talk about funding education, insurance & LTC, taxes, estate planning and charitable giving -and let's start right now. When you are ready to retire, we want you to do it on your own terms.

Pathway to College
Funding an education can mean much more than choosing the right 529 plan. At PSFG we will help determine a suitable savings plan for you and your child. 

Preserving Independence with Long-Term Care
We can help to preserve your independence, preserve your assets and create a tax-free income stream through long-term care insurance. 

Retirement Savings
We will work with you to create or evaluate your investment strategies. We are committed to working with a variety of different financial service providers to compile a strategy that is uniquely suited to you.

Legacy Planning

Planning beyond you -for the people, organizations and charities that are important to you. 

Estate & Tax Planning
We will review your will and/or trust; attempting to help preserve your estate for your intended heirs by reducing your estate taxes and probate costs. 

Life Insurance
We work with a variety of insurance providers and can help clients determine their insurance needs. 

Charitable Giving
For many clients, a portion of their legacy is designated for charitable giving. With a legacy plan in place, we will be able to execute those wishes on your behalf to the charity or organizations of your choice. 

Family Wealth Preservation
We can help you find strategies seeking to grow and preserve your wealth as it transitions to the hands of your children and their children.